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be cool是什么意思

发布时间:2023-07-15 18:06:25来源:网络转载

  be cool是什么意思?如今我们遇到不懂的词语都会选择在网上查询,这样不用去麻烦别人,自己就能学会。那么be cool是什么意思呢?下面就让小编为你解答,我们还整理了更多相关知识。

  be cool是什么意思

  be cool

  英 [bi: ku:l] 美 [bi kul]


  be cool 双语例句

  1. The color gray is acool, and stable color. If everything is gray, your mood seems tobevery gray as well, but....

be cool是什么意思

be cool是什么意思


  2. That pattern will thenbeplaced on a circle in order to make somecooland unique looking snowflakes!


  3. In front of the screen youcoolmist of spit tobacco to swallow, you spit in the flue gas willbea lot of bad components attached to the LCD screen, a long time on the screen surface will cause corrosion and damage to the screen surface coating.

  在您对着屏幕潇洒的吞烟吐雾的时候,您吐出的烟气中很多的不良成分都会附着在 LCD 屏幕上,时间长了就会对屏幕表面造成腐蚀,破坏屏幕表面涂层。

  4. Because if he knows you are gay and iscoolwith it and epts you as you are then your friendship with him is so much more important than a relationship. I think that if he is the kind of person that feels things like you say he does then maybe you should tell him how you feel jsut so you can get it off of your chest and if he doesn""t have any feelings then sobeit, bu this doesn""t seem like the kind of person that would just push you away like that, althoug there are many like that. I think maybe instead of looking to him as a potential lover you should look to him as a friend because that is what he is. If you keep doing that then eventually you will jsut think of him as a friend.

be cool是什么意思

be cool是什么意思


  5. The results indicated the feasibility of harvesting G. paniculata cur flowers on an earlier date. The most effective measures were wet storage at low temperature combined with preservative treatment. It is advisable to pre-coolthe flowers in preservative liquid before storage in water if they are tobestored for 15 days...


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